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Poison Frogs Biology, Species & Captive Husbandry by Stefan Lötters, Karl-Heinz Jungfer, Friedrich Wilhelm Henkel, Wolfgang Schmidt, Frank Mutschmann, translated by Thomas M Ulber.


This book is a comphrensive work.   From its extensive bibliography to the data and photographs included.  Keepers and zoologists who keep, breed and research these stunning amphibians  have a weatlh of knowledge at their fingertips. Poison Frogs Biology, Species & Captive  Husbandry contains the latest data on the systematics, biology and taxonomy of these fascinating amphibians.  This volume provides data on how to best observe, keep and breed Poison frogs, and also which diseases may occasionally occur. 


Poison Frogs Biology, Species & Captive Husbandry

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  • Publication: Poison Frogs Biology, Species & Captive Husbandry by Stefan Lötters, Karl-Heinz Jungfer, Friedrich Wilhelm Henkel, Wolfgang Schmidt, Frank Mutschmann, translated by Thomas M Ulber.


    Published: Edition Chimaira, Sep 2007.


    Publication components: Hardcover, 668 pages containing text, colour photographs, illustrations,  and distrubition maps.  24 x  17 x 4.5cm.


    Language: English.


    Dimensions:  24 x 17 x 4.5cm.


    ISBN: 9783930612628

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