Wildlife Demonstrations, Emergency Consultancy &
Wildlife Management, Photography, Wildlife Books & Giftware
These are just some of our pets in our menagerie. Sometimes we may not be able to bring out exactly the sex or species requested (we do not move our animals after feeding, if gravid (pregnant) or have given birth recently coming up for a slough (shedding skin)). But as you can see we have plenty of Australian reptiles, that we are able to bring to your demonstration.
Hoppy is a Magnificent Tree Frog, also known as the Splendid Tree Frog. They are a large species of frog, getting up to a length of approximately 106mm and can weigh in at 96gms. They get quite robust in the body. In the wild Magnificent Tree Frogs are found in Western Australia. The call sounds like a deep "brrraaaaaaaawwwwwk"
Perry is a Peron's Tree Frog, also known as the Manical Tree Frog or the Emerald Spotted Frog. They are a medium species of frog, getting up to a length of approximately 65mm and can weigh in at 12gms. They get quite robust in the body. The colouration can vary, but they are commonly seen as a tan frog with small green dots. In the night they will change colour going to dark brown with darker speckling, giving them a mottled appearance. In the wild Peron's Tree Frogs are found in eastern Australia- from Queensland to South Australia. The call is a series of "aaarrrrccc"s which towards the end of the call turns into an noise that sounds like a twisted laugh.

Sweet Lips is a White-lipped Tree Frog, also known as the Giant Tree Frog. They are a large species of frog, getting up to a length of approximately 140mm and can weigh in at 95gms. They get quite robust in the body. The colouration can vary from a light to a dark green and also brown. The white lip will extend to the shoulder. In the wild White-lipped Tree Frogs are found in Queensland. The call sounds like a large dog barking.

Freddy is our Freshwater Crocodile. Freshwater crocodiles are a relatively small crocodile. Freshwater Crocodiles are a shy species and have a more slender snout and slightly smaller teeth than the Saltwater crocodile. The body colour is light to darkish brown with darker bands on the body and tail. Body scales are relatively large, but underneath on the belly is incredibly soft. Crocodiles make a wide variety of noises, but tend to mainly making a hissing noise.

Cookie is a Cann's Turtle. Cann's Turtles can reach a size of approximately 26cms in length. Cookie is a long necked turtle. Cann's Turtles are found in Queensland and the Northern Territory in dams, swamps, lagoons, billabongs, rivers and creeks. Cookie has a great defense mechanism when annoyed or stressed - the release of a repulsive smell.
Snappy is a Saw-shelled Turtle. Saw-shelled Turtles can reach a size of approximately 30cms in length. Saw-Shelled Turtles are found in Queensland and the Northern Territory in dams, rivers and creeks.


Frank is an Eastern Spiny-tailed Gecko. Eastern Spiny-tailed Geckos can reach a size of approximately 60mm. These stunning little geckos can be found in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia under loose bark, hollow trees on both the inside and outside in a range of habitats from savannah woodland to forests. All geckos in the Strophurus genus are able to produce a sticky fluid which they are able to use as a defence mechanism. Always wash your hands when picking up members of this genus and avoid rubbing your eyes.

Larry, Curly and Moe are all Central Bearded Dragons. Bearded Dragons are a medium sized lizard reaching approximately 25cms in length.Despite being extremely variable in colour (from light grey right the way through to browns, reddish brown to black) Bearded Dragons are one of Australia's most recognizable lizards and are popular as pets. Bearded Dragons are found in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Northern Territory and South Australia. Quite often seen on the roadside, in trees, on fallen logs and on fence lines. Central Bearded Dragons can lay between 11- 68 eggs in a single clutch.

Angel is a Pink-Tongued Lizard. Pink-tongued Lizards are long and slender, unlike the Blue-Tongued Lizard that they are commonly mistaken for. They range in colour from a silvery grey right through to brown. They can be covered in bands like Angel or also unbanded and d a plain colour. Pink-Tongued Lizards are found in Queensland and New South Wales in rainforest. Pink-Tongued lizards can have up to 25 young in a litter.
Mike is a Blotched Blue-tongued Lizard. Blue-tongued lizards have a big, blue tongue which is used as a defensive act to warn off predators. The body of a Lowland Blotched Blue-tongue is mostly brown to black, with large blotches of brown to grey throughout. They are a large lizard reaching approximately 60cms in length, although roughly 1/3 of this length is their tail. The Lowland Blotched Blue-tongued lizards are found in South east South Australia through to southern Victoria and Tasmania in heathland, woodland, grassland and alpine meadows. Blotched-Blue-tongues give birth to between 3 -12 live young. Blotched Blue-tongued lizards make great pets, they have a lot of personality and are easy to care for.

Jewel is a Blotched Blue-tongued Lizard. Blue-tongued lizards have a big, blue tongue which is used as a defensive act to warn off predators. The body of an Alpine Blotched Blue-tongue is mostly brown to black, with large blotches of orange to red throughout. They are a large lizard reaching approximately 60cms in length, although roughly 1/3 of this length is their tail. The Alpine Blotched Blue-tongued lizards are found in the upland regions in Gippsland, Victoria to South east New South Wales in heathland, woodland, grassland and alpine meadows. Blotched-Blue-tongues give birth to between 3 -12 live young. Blotched Blue-tongued lizards make great pets, they have a lot of personality and are easy to care for.
Skelly is a Northern Blue-tongued Lizard. Blue-tongued lizards have a big, blue tongue which is used as a defensive act to warn off predators. The body of an Northern Blue-tongue can vary, although they are usually a cream to orangey yellow along their back with black banding.They are a large lizard reaching approximately 60cms in length, although roughly 1/3 of this length is their tail. The Northern Blue-tongued Lizard is the largest and heaviest of the Blue-tongued Lizards. The Northern Blue-tongued lizard is found in the northern regions of Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia in open woodland and savannahs. Northern Blue-tongues give birth to between 2 -24 live young. Northern Blue-tongued lizards make great pets, they have a lot of personality and are easy to care for.

Bandit is a Common Blue-tongued Lizard. Common Blue-tongues lizards have a big, blue tongue which is used as a defensive act to warn off predators. The body of a Common Blue-tongue is robust and the colouring highly variable, ranging from pale brown to dark brown, grey or black with prominent yellow, orange brown to black irregular bands. Common Blue-tongues are found in every state in Australia except Tasmania. They live in deserts, woodlands, heaths, grasslands and commonly found in urban environments. They are diurnal, but can be crepuscular in warm weather. They eat vegetation, invertebrates, food scraps and carrion. Common Blue-tongues give birth to 2-42 live young per litter.
Rumpy is a Shingleback Lizard. Shingleback lizards have a big, blue tongue which is used as a defensive act to warn off predators. The colours on a Shingleback depend on locality but for the most part the body of an Shingleback Lizard is mostly brown to black, with white to cream or grey patches throughout. They are a large lizard reaching approximately 60cms in length. They are a stocky lizard with a short tail and large thick scales. Shingleback lizards are found in the across dry regions of southern Australia from the western slopes of the Great Dividing Range to the Western Australian coastline. They live in deserts, woodlands, heaths, grasslands and commonly found in urban environments. Shingleback lizards make great pets, they have a lot of personality and are easy to care for.

Chief is a Major Skink. They are tan to dark brown in colour and thier flanks often have a broad reddish brown stripe with white spotting This strip and spotting is more prominent in juveniles. Some specimens have up to 8 thin black stripes running parallel to the spine. The underneath is pink to yellowish in colour.Major Skinks can be found in north eastern NSW and QLD between Bellingen and Sabai Island in the Torres Strait, also found in southern NG. A diurnal Skink. They live in family groups. Major Skinks have 3-10 young in a litter.
Syd is a Southern pygmy spiny-tailed skink. They have a robust little body. The head and body is reddish orange to brown with irregular pale grey markings, tapering to grey with irregular reddish orange blotches on the tail which is short and spiky. The underneath is usually whitish grey with darker flecking. Their spiny scales help wedge them into the crevices. They are found from North West Cape across to Newman and south to Kalgoorlie and Dowerin, W.A. in mallee, mulga and other open woodlands. They are livebearers, giving birth to 1-5 young per litter.

Logan is a Land Mullet. Land Mullets are a very large skink, reaching up to approximately 60cms in length. They are a glossy brown to black in colour as adults, and have a pale ring around the eyes. The underneath ranges in colour from a orangey brown to cream. Juvenile Land Mullets look the same but have prominent cream lateral spots. Their scales are large and resemble fish scales (hence the name.) Land Mullets are found along the eastern coast from Gosford, New South Wales north to south eastern Queensland. Generally speaking they are a shy lizard but will not hesitate to bite. Land Mullets give birth to between 4 and 9 live young per litter. Due to their size and jaw strength Land Mullets are not recommended as a beginner skink.
Bob is a Cunningham Skink, the New England form. They range in colour from pale brown to black with darker markings often flecked with yellow or orange. The underneath is pinkish orange with dark and light flecking. Cunningham Skinks have a flattened body with spine-like, keeled scales that vary among the populations that are suited to the shelter type they utilise. Cunningham Skinks can be found from Carnarvon Gorge, QLD, south along the great dividing range through NSW and onto the basalt plains of Victoria. Isolated population on the Fleurieu Peninsula, SA. They are a diurnal lizard. Mainly eats vegetation but will also eat invertebrates. Cunningham Skinks give birth to 2-19 young per litter.

Pearl is a Cunningham Skink, Sydney Location. They range in colour from pale brown to black with or without irregular pale or darker markings often with white, yellow or orange flecking The underneath is pinkish orange with dark and light flecking. They have a flattened body with spine-like, keeled scales that vary among the populations that are suited to the shelter type they utilise. Cunningham Skinks are found from Carnarvon Gorge, QLD, south along the great dividing range through NSW and onto the basalt plains of Victoria. Isolated population on the Fleurieu Peninsula, SA. They are a diurnal skink. They shelter inside rock crevices, under rocks and rarely in trees. Cunningham Skinks give birth to 2-19 young per litter.

Horrace is a Ridge-tailed Monitor. They are a robust little monitor that reaches approximately 70cm in length. The top of the body is reddish to dark brown in colour with white, yellow or cream ocelli and spots. Most have longitudinal stripes on the top of the neck. The underneath is cream in colour. The tail has spinous scales with dark bands and light-yellow scales. In the wild they naturally occur in QLD from Winton across northern Australia including the Top End of the NT to Carnarvon in WA. There is a dwarf form on Barrow Island, WA. They can be found in Stony ranges, red sand deserts, tropical woodlands and rocky outcrops in spinifex, under boulders, man made debris or in crevices. The female lays 2-18 eggs per clutch.
Spot is a Perentie. Perenties are Australia’s biggest monitor, they obtain a length of approximately 2.5 metres. Perenties have a long neck and a thick body with a long tail. Perenties are yellow or cream in colour with brown rosettes that are mostly edged in dark brown on their back. Their legs are dark brown to black with white or cream spots. The head and the neck are a pale creamy-white colour with a reticulated pattern of black lines and black flecks. Perenties are found in arid parts of South Australia, Western Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory in rocky hills and outcrops. Perenties lay between 6-10 eggs. Perenties are not a suitable starter goanna unless you have the time to put in the work required to keep them used to handling. Be prepared for a big food bill to keep them healthy and well fed.

Garbage Guts is a Sand Goanna. They have a robust body that ranges from yellow to black in colour with white, yellow or brown ocelli on the dorsum. There is a dark streak behind the eye, outlined in yellow or cream. The throat has grey streaks and the tail is banded with the posterior quarter white or yellow. The ventral surface is cream to yellow in colour with or without grey flecks. They are found throughout most parts of the dry Australian mainland west of the GDR, south of Woolgoolga and the extreme south east in open woodland, heath, mallee, brigalow, mulga, spinifex covered sand plains and sandy deserts sheltering in burrows and hollow logs but will occasionally climb trees.The female can lays 3-20 eggs per clutch and Sand Goannas can reach approximately 1.6m in length.
Chime is a Lace Monitor. They are Australia’s heaviest lizard and can reach approximately 2.4m in length. There are two distinct colour forms. Black to dark grey above with yellow to white spots often forming bands. The tail is banded. Head and neck can have blue flecking. The other colour form is known as the ‘Bells’ phase, that is black with broad yellow or white bands. The tail tip in both forms is white or yellow. Lacies are found in eastern Australia from Port Augusta SA, across VIC, NSW and north to Cooktown, QLD. in many ecosystems from rainforest to mallee as well as open woodlands, brigalow, grassland and coastal heath. Lays 3-15 eggs per clutch.


Dee is a Children's Python. Children's Pythons are a reddish or yellowish brown above, often with darker brown blotched markings covering the dorsum. Occasionally they are without markings. Lacks a plain white stripe along the lower side of the first third of the body which is a distinguishing way of telling the difference from a Stimson's Python. The underneath is white to cream. A small python reaching a length of approximately 100cms. Children's pythons are found from north-western Queensland to the Kimberley region of Western Australia in tropical savannah, rock outcrops and woodlands. Children's Pythons lay between 5- 24 eggs. Children's Pythons are considered a good starter snake due to their size.
Gutso is a Blonde Spotted Python. Spotted Pythons are a dark or yellowish brown above, with darker brown to black blotched markings covering the dorsum. They are a white to cream colour underneath. A small python reaching a length of approximately 140cms. Spotted Pythons are found in eastern Queensland to north east New South Wales in brigalow, rainforest, rock outcrops and woodlands. Spotted Pythons lay between 4 -19 eggs. Spotted Pythons are recommended as a good starter snake due to their size.

Snowy is a Black-headed Python. They are reddish to yellowish brown or white above, with dark brown to black cross bands. The head and neck is black. They are cream to yellow underneath with orange, brown and black markings. They are a robust python reaching approximately 300cms in length. Black-headed Pythons are one of two Australian pythons with their labial pits covered by scales. They are found from Mundubbera, Queensland across northern Australia to Exmouth, Western Australia in open woodlands, rainforest margins to spinifex dominated grasslands, black soil plains and rocky gorges. Black-headed Pythons lay between 5-20 eggs. A nice python, but they are very food orientated generally so can be a bit bitey if you are considering one as a starter python.
Cleo is a Woma Python. Womas are a reddish orange to yellowish brown or grey colour above, with light to dark grey bands. Occasionally some specimens have purplish-black to black bands. Older specimens often fade with age. The head and neck is yellow to orange. Some specimens have dark marks over the eyes. Orange to yellow underneath with or without dark markings. Womas are a robust python reaching approximately 220cms in length. One of two Australian pythons with labial pits covered by scales. Womas are found in two distinct populations. One from Westmar, Queensland across Australia through western New South Wales, northern South Australia, south and central Northern Territory to south of Broome, Western Australia. Second population in Western Australia from Shark bay to Perth into the goldfields east of Kalgoorlie in open woodlands, brigalow, deserts and mulga woodlands. Womas lay between 5-15 eggs. A nice python, but they are very food orientated if you are considering one for your first python.

B1 is a Water Python. Water Pythons are a greenish brown to grey colour above. The scales have a strong iridescence that has lead to them being known as the rainbow serpent. The underneath is white beneath the head, yellow to orange below the body and grey under the tail. The lips are usually peppered with grey or black over white. They are a medium sized python reaching approximately 220cms in length. Water Pythons are found from Conway, Queensland, across northern Australia to Broome, Western Australia in moist environments in tropical savannah, woodlands as well as in swamps and floodplains Water Pythons lay between 9-20 eggs. For the most part Water Pythons are a grumpy Python, even with regular handling. For that reason it is not recommended as a beginner species.
Cuddles is an Olive Python. Olive Pythons are a pale to dark brown above to grey. The underneath is a cream to pale yellow colour. They are a large python reaching approximately 400cms in length. Olive Pythons are found cross northern Australia from along the Selwyn Range, Queensland across to the Kimberley in Western Australia in open woodland, savannah, swamps, rocky hillsides and river edges. Olive Pythons lay between 5- 12 eggs. Olive Pythons are not recommended as a beginner python due to their size.

Rob is a Centralian Carpet Python. Centralian Carpet Pythons are a reddish brown to dark brown above, often darker on rear third, with white, yellow and black markings. These transition into bands on the rear third. They are a white to cream colour on the underneath with orange brown and black spotting. They are a solid python reaching a length of approximately 300cms. They are found in the Northern Territory around the MacDonnell Ranges across to Hart’s Range along gorges, dry creek beds with old growth Eucalypts that have deep hollows. Centralian Carpet Pythons lay between 15- 45 eggs. Generally speaking Centralian Carpet Pythons have a good disposition and are a good starter python for those who are wanting a larger species as their first python.
Alex is a Rough-scaled Python. Rough-scaled Pythons are a dark brown or grey in colour with irregular white bands and streaks that form blotches and bands. The underneath is white with brown peppering towards rear. Rough-scaled Pythons are able to reach a length of approximately 200cms. Rough-scaled Pythons are found in the Kimberley on the Mitchell River Plateau and adjacent areas, also on Bigge Island Western Australia in vine thickets in deep gorges. Rough-scaled Pythons have extremely long teeth. They lay between 10-15 eggs. Rough-scaled Pythons are not recommended as a beginner python due to the length of their teeth - the bite hurts more than most other pythons.

Chad is a Western Carpet Python. They are a big sized python being able to obtain a length of approximately 270cms. The colouration ranges from black, brown, grey through to yellow on the upper body and the underneath is white with grey or black markings. There are bands stripes and blotches that make up the patterning on the top of the body. In the wild they are found in Western Australia and South Australia. They are generally nocturnal but will bask in the day.
Ashton is a Murray Darling Carpet Python. They are a big sized python being able to obtain a length of approximately 220cms. The colouration ranges from black, brown, grey through to yellow on the upper body and the underneath is white with grey or black markings. There are bands stripes and blotches that make up the patterning on the top of the body. In the wild they are found in Victoria, South Australia, Sew South Wales and Queensland. They are generally nocturnal but will bask in the day.

Mr Beady Eyes is a Carpet Python. Carpet Pythons are extremely variable. The body is brown, black, grey or yellow with white to cream or yellow markings that form irregular bands, stripes and blotches. Southern animals are black with yellow flecking.The underneath is white with grey or black flecks and spots. Carpet Pythons are capable of attaining a heavy build as they age, large specimens from northern New South Wales and southern Queensland routinely have a girth greater than that of a man’s arm. The colouration of a Carpet Python shifts from dark in the south of the range to lighter with less black as they occur further north. Juveniles are reddish. They are a large Python being able to reach approximately 320cms in length. Carpet Pythons are found over much of Australia from Marlo in Victoria to the Kimberley region of Western Australia in rainforests, forests, open woodland, rocky hills, grassland, savannah, swamps, mangroves and river edges. Carpet Pythons are commonly found in houses and properties. Carpet Pythons lay between 5-56 eggs.
Nic is a Carpet Python. Carpet Pythons are extremely variable. The body is brown, black, grey or yellow with white to cream or yellow markings that form irregular bands, stripes and blotches. Southern animals are black with yellow flecking.The underneath is white with grey or black flecks and spots. Carpet Pythons are capable of attaining a heavy build as they age, large specimens from northern New South Wales and southern Queensland routinely have a girth greater than that of a man’s arm. The colouration of a Carpet Python shifts from dark in the south of the range to lighter with less black as they occur further north. Juveniles are reddish. They are a large Python being able to reach approximately 320cms in length. Carpet Pythons are found over much of Australia from Marlo in Victoria to the Kimberley region of Western Australia in rainforests, forests, open woodland, rocky hills, grassland, savannah, swamps, mangroves and river edges. Carpet Pythons are commonly found in houses and properties. Carpet Pythons lay between 5-56 eggs.


Cyrus is a Brown Tree Snake, in the form known as a Night Tiger. Night Tiger's are reddish brown in colour with contrasting white to cream bands. Brown Tree Snakes are found across northern and eastern Australia. They are an arboreal snake, bound in forests, gorges, savannah, swamps and mangroves. They are a nocturnal snake but are commonly seen basking during the day. Brown Tree Snakes lay between 3-11 eggs.

Saf is a Pilbara Death Adder. The top of body is pale brown to orange with lighter crossbands, another colour phase is red with black bands and a black coloured head. The belly colour is similar to that of the lighter bands with darker flecking. The tail terminates in a soft spine that is white or occasionally black. They are a small snake, reaching a body length of approximately 55cms in length. In the wild they are only found in the Pilbara and Cape Range area, Western Australia in Rocky desert and gorges and associated adjoining habitats, with a strong preference for spinifex. Pilbara Death Adders give birth to between 9 -20 young. Pilbara Death Adders are not recommended as a beginner snake due to their size and speed of strike.
Brock is a Common Death Adder. The top of the body is reddish brown to charcoal grey with lighter crossbands. The lips are white with black or dark grey markings. The underneath colour is similar to that of the lighter bands with darker flecking. The tail terminates in a soft spine that is white to yellow or occasionally black. They are a medium sized stocky snake with have raised scales above the eyes. They reach a body length of approximately 75cms. In the wild they are found in Western Australia, South Australia, New South Wales and Queensland in dry forest, rainforest margins, mallee, heath, brigalow and grasslands. Common Death Adders give birth to between 2-32 young. Common Death Adders are not recommended as a beginner snake due to their size and speed of strike.

Nafa is a Woodland Adder, an albino form. On a standard Woodland Adder the top of body is yellow to charcoal grey with lighter crossbands. The edges of the scales in these crossbands are much brighter. When the snake flattens out from either irritation or a threat, bright colours appear startling the predator. The lips are white with black or dark grey markings. The underneath colour is similar to that of the lighter bands with some darker flecking. The tail terminates in a soft spine that is white to orange or occasionally black. They have raised scales above the eyes and keeled head shields. Woodland Death Adders are a small snake reaching approximately 75cms in length. Woodland Death Adders are found across northern Australia from the Kimberley region across into western Queensland in forests and grassland with rocky soils. Woodland Death Adders give birth to 6- 24 young.
Ra is a Barkley Adder. The top of the body is a sandy yellow to charcoal grey colour with lighter crossbands. The edges of the scales in these crossbands are much brighter. The lips are white with smudged darker markings. The underneath colour is similar to that of the lighter bands with darker flecking. The tail terminates in a soft spine that is white to orange or occasionally black. They are the largest of the Adders, reaching a total body length of approximately 90cms. Barkley Death Adders are found south of Darwin, Northern Territory to Longreach, Queensland via the Gulf of Carpentaria on blacksoil plains, grasslands, floodplains and swamps. Barkley Death Adders give birth to between 8 -27 live young. Barkley Death Adders are not recommended as a beginner species do to their size and speed of strike.

Grumpy Pants is a Floodplain Death Adder. The top of the body is a sandy yellow to charcoal grey colour with lighter crossbands. The edges of the scales in these crossbands are much brighter. The lips are white with smudged darker markings. The belly colour is similar to that of the lighter bands with darker flecking. The tail terminates in a soft spine that is white to orange or occasionally black. They are the largest of the Adders, reaching a total body length of approximately 90cms. In the wild they are found in the Northern Territory and Queensland on blacksoil plains, grasslands, floodplains and swamps.Floodplain Death Adders give birth to between 8-27 young. Floodplain Death Adders are not recommended as a beginner
Carmine is a Peninsula Tiger Snake. Their heads are usually grey or black. The upper body is coppery brown to black. The underneath is grey to black. Some populations are banded with thin white to cream bands while others are immaculate. They are a medium snake obtaining a body length of approximately 120cms. In the wild they are found in South Australia in swamps, forests, grassland, samphire heath and scrubland. Carmine is from Kangaroo Island. Peninsula Tiger Snakes have between 6- 38 young. Peninsula Tiger Snakes are not recommended as a beginner elapid due to their size and temperment.

Tigs is a Western Tiger Snake. The colouration of the op of body is black or brown with the lower flanks yellow, orange or even whitish. There are usually vibrant yellow crossbands which are usually darker on the rear third of the body. The underneath colour is yellow, orange with grey flecks. Western Tiger snakes are a medium sized snake reaching approximately 160cms in length. Western Tiger Snakes are found in the south-west Western Australia from Jurien to Esperance around water courses in swamps, forests and scrubland. Western Tiger Snakes are often found in urban areas. Western Tiger Snakes have between 15-35 young. Western Tiger Snakes are not recommended as a beginner elapid due to their size and temperament.
Rastus is a Common Tiger Snake. They are extremely variable in both colour and pattern. The top of the body can be any shade of brown, grey, black or yellow, with or without cross bands. The underneath colouration is yellow to grey. They are a medium sized snake with a lot of attitude. Tiger Snakes occur from southern Queensland through eastern New South Wales, most of Victoria and south-east South Australia in swamps, forests, grassland, rainforest, wallum, open woodland, heath and scrubland. They are often encountered in urban areas. Generally speaking they are an extremely grumpy snake and are not recommended as a snake for an inexperienced keeper due to their willingness to bite. Common Tiger Snakes have between 5- 49 young.

Declan is an Inland Taipan. They are also known by the names Fierce Snake, Small-scaled Snake and Western Taipan. The colouration on Inland Taipains varies, usually yellow to chocolate brown with black reticulations. Their head is usually glossy black. Inland Taipans gp through a seasonal colour change - they are dark in winter to sandy yellow in summer. This is thought to help them absorb as much heat as possible in winter. The underside is bright yellow with dark flecks. They are a large snake reaching a body length of approximately 200cms. In the wild they live in Queensland, south Australia, Northern Territory and New South Wales in black soil plains, gibber desert, grassland and savannah. Inland Taipans lay between 8-23 eggs. Not recommended as a snake for an inexperienced keeper.
Tully is a Coastal Taipan. Coastal Taipans are extremely variable in colour. The top of body can be any shade of brown, grey, black or yellow, some individuals have a reddish orange stripe along the spine that widens towards the rear. The head is usually lighter, often cream to white. The underneath is yellow to orange with or without red flecking. They are a large snake, they can have a body length of approximately 300cms. In the wild they live in Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia in dry forests, grassland, savannah, open woodland, heath and rainforest verges. Tully is believed to be from the the Tully area. Coastal Taipans are Australia’s, if not the world’s, most dangerous snake, with extremely toxic venom and long fangs. They are extremely alert and have a nervous disposition, which can make them formidable if cornered. Coastal Taipans lay between 5-22 eggs. Due to the toxicity of the snake and the nervous disposition Coastal Taipans are recommended for the the experienced keeper only.

RGB is a Coastal Taipan. Coastal Taipans are extremely variable in colour. The top of body can be any shade of brown, grey, black or yellow, some individuals have a reddish orange stripe along the spine that widens towards the rear. The head is usually lighter, often cream to white. The underneath is yellow to orange with or without red flecking. They are a large snake, they can have a body length of approximately 300cms. In the wild they live in Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia in dry forests, grassland, savannah, open woodland, heath and rainforest verges. RGB is believed to be from the the Cooktown area. Coastal Taipans are Australia’s, if not the world’s, most dangerous snake, with extremely toxic venom and long fangs. They are extremely alert and have a nervous disposition, which can make the formidable if cornered. Coastal Taipans lay between 5-22 eggs. Due to the toxicity of the snake and the nervous disposition Coastal Taipans are recommended for the the experienced keeper only.
Rusty is a Mulga Snake. Mulga Snakes are extremely variable in colour. They can range from black to pale yellow to reddish purple. The Southern populations are darker in colour than the northern populations. Some specimens have a variegated appearance, with the anterior edge of the scale lighter than the rear. The underneath colour is yellow to cream without orange flecking. In some specimens the underside of the tail is pale orange. They can reach a length of approximately 175cms. Mulga snakes are found all over Australia’s drier regions throughout almost all of Western Australia, all of the Northern Territory, most of South Australia, western New South Wales and Queensland west of the Great Dividing Range in dry woodlands, deserts, mallee, agricultural land and heaths. A misleading name, as they are a member of the black snake genus. An extremely food orientated snake, they are capable of injecting the most venom of any Australian snake. Combine the venom yield with the willingness to bite, Mulga snakes are recommended as an elapid for the more experienced keeper. Mulga snakes will lay between 4- 23 eggs in a clutch.

Sweets is a Red-bellied Black Snake. They are jet black above with orange, red or maroon markings along the lower flanks. Some are marked with white. The head, in particular around the snout, can be brown in some locations. The belly is red and marked with black bands. Beneath the tail is black. They are a large snake, being able to reach a length of approximately 200cms. They are often confused with Small-eyed Snakes. They are found along the east coast from the Adelaide hills to around Cooktown in north Queensland in swamps, creeks, rainforests and quite frequently in urban areas. Red-bellied Black Snakes will 5-23 live young in a litter. Red-bellies are a great snake to start with for the first time elapid keeper as they are generally speaking more reluctant to bite than most other elapids.
Pepper is a Spotted Black Snake. They are extremely variable in colour, ranging from jet black to grey and occasionally pale brown. Some specimens are flecked with yellow, red, orange or cream. The belly colour is grey to yellowish with darker flecking. Spotted Black Snakes are capable of reaching a length of approximately 180cms. They are found in New South Wales and Queensland, almost exclusively west of the Great Dividing Range. In places, such as west Brisbane, it reaches over the foothills into the blacksoil valleys, making it through the range in dry woodlands, savannah, grassland, brigalow and agricultural land. They often shelter in burrows, beneath man-made debris, under logs and rocks and in cracks in the soil. Spotted Black Snakes can lay between 5-16 eggs.

Ole Girl is a Collett's Snake. Collett's Snakes will range from pale brown to black with yellow, orange and pink crossbands and spotting. The underneath colour is orange with or without dark brown to black flecking. Juveniles are much brighter with orange and jet black crossbands. They are a large snake, reaching a length of approximately 200cms. They are found in central western Queensland on blacksoil plains and grassland. Collett's Snakes will lay between 7-18 eggs.
John is a Butler's Snake. Butler's Snakes range in color from black to dark brown with cream to yellow spots. Juvenile snakes are grey with a shiny black head. The underneath colour is yellow, and the ventral scales can have black spots and black edges. Butler's Snakes can reach a length of approximately 175cms. Butler's Snakes are found in the goldfields region of southern inland Western Australia in Mulga and acacia woodland, mallee and agricultural land. Butler's Snakes Lay between 7-17 eggs.

Pat is a Dugite, or Spotted Brown Snake. They are extremely variable in colour, ranging from a pale cream to almost black. Typically, they are a shade of brown with random dark spots that sometimes will coalesce into blotches. The head can be darker or lighter than the body. Juvenile and immature specimens have a black head and black band on the nape. The underneath is a yellow to cream to light brown colour with orange-red spots and blotches. They are a large snake reaching approximately 200cms. Dugites are found in southern Western Australia across the southern coast to the western edge of the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia in open woodlands, coastal dune associations, heathland, grasslands and urban areas.Dugites lay between 3 -31 eggs. Not a beginner elapid for the first time keeper, generally speaking they are a fast, nervous snake.
Firecracker is an Eastern Brown Snake or a Common Brown Snake, Eastern Browns are extremely variable in colour, ranging from pale cream to black. These snakes are usually a shade of brown with or without dark bands. Juveniles and immature specimens have a black head and black band on the nape, and some specimens are completely banded. The underneath colour is yellow to cream with orange-red spots and blotches, sometimes they are marked with grey. They are a large snake reaching approximately 200cms in length. Eastern Brown Snakes are found in eastern Australia over all of New South Wales, most of Victoria and Queensland, and also south eastern South Australia. Isolated populations in the Northern Territory around Alice Springs and the Victoria River district of Western Australia. They are found in woodlands, brigalow, mallee, grasslands, desert and around agricultural areas. Eastern Brown Snakes lay between 6- 28 eggs. Eastern Brown Snakes are not recommended as a beginner snake due to their size and disposition.