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We love to read.
We own a lot of books.
We also own an online bookshop. Handy right?!
But we realise that not everyone has spare money right now, and when you do, there are so many books to choose from and you don't want to waste your money. So, Scott and I thought we would do a monthly book review so our customers could find out a bit more information on a particular title and decide if it was for their shelves or not.
For the first book review in 2025 Tie shares her thoughts on Venom Doc: The edgiest, darkest and strangest natural history memoir ever by Bryan Grieg Fry.

Venom Doc: The edgiest, darkest and strangest natural history memoir is a 352page, softcover book containing English text and full colour photographs. It was published in 2015 by Hachette Australia.
Let me start out by saying autobiographies and biographies for me are hit and miss. I’ve read several over the years (admittedly in other genres) and have been sorely disappointed by the “my whole life has been wonderful” or the “woe is me” themes that the books had. Let’s face it, when reading an autobiography/biography you want to be able to relate to the person you are reading about on some level, whether it being giving you hope you can turn your life around as they have, or making you feel a bit better about yourself. So, when I was handed this book by Scott years ago, I was hesitant to start it as I hadn’t had much luck when choosing these types of books to curl up with.
Boy was I wrong. I couldn’t put it down. I loved it. It’s a very casual read and it’s easy to become lost in this book. Bryan has an easy-to-read writing style – he’s funny, but not a comedian so you are not waiting for the next joke. He also has used common names throughout, making it easy for those less acquainted with scientific names to read and know what species he is talking about. Admittedly he has used other names for people in certain tales, but it does not hinder the reader in any way. The stories he tells in this book are that expressive and understandable, it is easy for your brain to think you are having a conversation with him, not reading his memoirs!
On the outside looking in at his life on social media – Bryan has it all. Awesome life, passport with a lot of stamps, smarts, fantastic opportunities, beautiful wife, the list goes on. Whilst this is true, Bryan was extremely honest and open about his life before now in his autobiography. And it is a gripping read. To look at the man and his achievements you would never guess his health in childhood was far from perfect. His ability to find the best in situations most would not see, also makes this book a great book.
I don’t want to say too much to spoil what I consider a fantastic book, but in this book you can expect close to non-stop herping stories, bite and sting stories, accidents, triumphs, and a best of all a raw, honest look at one of the people who is leading the way with venom research.
To purchase your copy of Venom Doc: The edgiest, darkest and strangest natural history memoir ever go to: https://www.wildlifedemonstrations.com/product-page/venom-doc-the-edgiest-darkest-and-strangest-natural-history-memoir-ever
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