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New book coming out very soon!!!

Updated: Aug 8, 2021

We are pleased to announce that our newest project in collaboration with Peter Rowland is at the printers and we are hoping to see copies out next month.

A Naturalist's Guide to the Dangerous Creatures of Australia is an easy to use identification guide to 280 of Australia's dangerous creatures, covering fish, spiders, insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Each species has authoritative text describing identifying features, distribution, habitat and habits. The size, common and scientific names are listed along with some stunning photographs. There is also an overview of the different species, how to avoid dangerous encounters, first aid and also a glossary.

We will have copies available directly, or will be available in typical stores and online. Watch this space for news other titles coming soon!

dangerouscreatures of australia, nature for you book, scott eipper, author, well written

A Naturalist's Guide to the Dangerous Creatures of Australia by Peter Rowland and Scott Eipper.

Scott's previous two publications.

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