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Getting Lost - the fun way to rediscover your youth and our stunning country on your days off

Writer's picture: Nature For You Nature For You

Updated: Oct 25, 2024

We own an online bookshop that offers a few different items that we think might be of interest to book lovers or those enthused by our fauna and flora. We realise that not everyone has spare money right now, and when you do, you don't want to waste your money. So, Scott and I thought we would share a few of our products leading up to Christmas for those needing ideas for loved ones.


For our eighth bookshop blog Tie shares her thoughts on a brand of game everyone here in our household loves – Getting Lost.

We haven't played them all admittedly, but we have played several of them (a lot!) Our firm favourites in the Getting Lost Games are the Adventurer's Edition, the Aussie Edition, Date Night Edition, Dog's Edition, Road Trip Edition, Photography Edition, Wellbeing Edition and the Summer Edition. I use the Decluttering Edition to help clean the house. I have ADHD and am really not the best at housekeeping. (To be honest I suck at it, unless someone is coming over or I have a new hyperfocus that would involve cleaning something or prepping for something) I find making a game out of cleaning makes it tolerable (enjoyable is too far of a stretch!) and I actually get things done, which makes me do that bit more. I have just started looking at the Business Edition, which is quite inciteful so I'm looking forward to getting stuck into it when I have time. We have also played the Christmas edition and quite enjoyed it, but can't really list it in our favourites as we've only played it once.

The Getting Lost game is the brainchild of a husband and wife team, Cat and James, a couple from New Zealand. Cat authors a blog about their adventures called Getting Lost. It gained a following and they created a community of people with similar interests.  People then started to query them on how to locate the hidden gems that they discover. From those questions an idea started to take shape - an idea for a product that could provoke the hidden adventurer in us all.  This is how the Getting Lost Game was forged. It sold out overnight (literally) and one game become more than 20 games for every type of adventure.  Over 100,000 Getting Lost games have been made and sold from their house in the bush to people all around the world.



The Getting Lost games are available in quite a few different versions. We stock the following:

Adventurer’s Edition - The course you can take will be defined by cars, the weather, compass points, coin flipping, word googling, your own personal history as well as other crazy instructions along the course of your adventure. The cards depend on components that alter each adventure, which means that even if you start at the same place, you should have a varied destination each time. 

At Home Edition - This was designed for the kids who are bored and sitting at home, to find fun, low cost things to do around home.  Very handy for those times you can't get out and get lost! These cards have awesome activities that you can do around your home or garden, and best of all - the kids will be device free! It is purposefully nostalgic with loads of low-cost things you can do with what's in your house right now. 

Aussie Edition - The course you can take will be defined by places, other motorists, compass points, wildlife, weather, coin flipping as well as other crazy instructions along the course of your adventure. The cards depend on components that alter each adventure, which means that even if you start at the same place, you should have a varied destination each time. 

Bush Walk Edition - The Bush Walk Edition is a Getting Lost Game that will have you using all your senses as you make your way a little differently on your next bush walk. You will connect with nature, find activities to do whilst walking and much more.

Campers Edition - This will help you to create new adventures, have lots of laughs and discover all new places and events in your Camper, Van, House Truck, RV, Caravan (or other house on wheels!)  The directions are generic enough that they can be used for any country in around the world. The course you can take will be defined by the way the wind is blowing, the age of your passengers, attention from other motorists, signs, road-kill, cars that pass you, your odometer and a whole bunch of other random things. 

Campground Edition - This deck will have you playing spotlight, building forts, making wacky name changes, going on treasure hunts around the campgrounds for various items and a heap of other fun activities around the campground. The game was designed around things that you'd love to see on a camping trip with your kids - showing gratitude, having fun, being active, having a few treats, caring for others, caring for the environment and making friends.  There are a mix of activities to ensure there are some for inside the tent/caravan/camper or cabin if it's not a nice day outside.  As a bonus, it suit as many campgrounds as possible and the activities are uncomplicated to do, most are free and a couple will cost a few dollars. If you want to make your holiday as memorable as possible, on the way to the campground team this game up with the Camper Edition for even more enjoyment and memories! 

Cruise Edition - This edition is for people on cruise ships who want to get the most out of their cruise to try different and new things on your cruise - from activities, to exploring, to trying new food and drinks. There is so much to do on a cruise - sometimes there's so much that it's hard to choose!  The Cruise Edition is there to be your wingman with a mix of activities and directions designed to get you trying new drinks, foods and activities on the cruise and exploring all over the ship.  It's perfect for first time cruisers and serial cruisers alike to make the most of every minute.

Cycling Edition - The course you can take will be defined by age, hairstyle, scenery, flora, fauna, your own fitness levels as well as other crazy instructions along the course of your walk. The cards depend on components that alter each bike ride, which means that even if you start at the same place on your walk, you should have a varied destination each time. 

Date Night Edition - This is for couples who are sick of doing the same thing on date nights to try new things and reconnect. Whether it's your 10 year wedding anniversary or your third date, Valentines Day or just a night without the kids - these cards are specially designed to guide you through date night like no other!  The directions are generic so they can be played in what ever country you are in around the world. You're going to have no idea where you are going or what you are doing when you set out but at the end of date night you will have danced, stared into each others eyes (and because we all know that's cheesy and oh so awkward the first one to laugh will be buying drinks), you'll have photos, a date night souvenir, a letter, narrowed the dinner and dessert choices down and depending how old you were when you met, the car you were driving when you met and a speedbump on the way! 

Decluttering Edition - This is fantastic for people who feel overwhelmed by decluttering to tackle it in bite sized, fun chunks. The Getting Lost Decluttering Edition has 900 possible decluttering combinations - all of these are designed to be fun, quick, and make a difference to your spaces.  Play it your own way - play one card when you have a spare 10 minutes, or block out more time and play multiple cards. Playing is easy! Shuffle your pack and draw two cards Lay your two cards flat - with Side 1 - “WHERE TO GO”, followed by Side 2 "WHAT TO DO" Read the two cards as one sentence and complete the task. Repeat as often as needed! 

Dog’s Edition - Tired of taking the same route every time you take your dog for a walk? Seize the opportunity to mix it up a bit! Carry your Dog's Edition and set off for your walk. The course you can take will be defined by trees, street signs, your dog, where you are walking, available dog cafe's, your own style of dog walking as well as other crazy instructions along the course of your walk. The cards depend on components that alter each walk, which means that even if you start at the same place on your walk, you should have a varied amble each time. 

Girls Road Trip Edition - Playing this game with your girlfriends will be defined by family, beverages, compass points, age, exes, makeup as well as other crazy instructions along the course of your adventure. The cards depend on components that alter each adventure, which means that even if you start at the same place, you should have a varied destination each time.

Hen’s Night Edition - The Hen’s Night Edition has a mix of drinking, activity, hen bonding and some keepsakes for the bride. It was designed to either play at a location you've chosen for the hen's night, or around town. Why not make the most of an awesome time and team up with The Girls Road Trip Edition and make a road trip of it.  (Why should the boys get all the fun?!) This game will  make the bride fashion a bouquet from items you have around you, determine your drinks based on the brides name, the colour of your drinks on what the bridal party will be wearing, some singing and dancing and a more challenges for the group. 

Hospital Edition - This game was designed for children who are aged between 3 - 12 who are in hospital to adventure and have fun from their hospital bed. The fun and craziness of the Getting Lost Game has been taken and applied to a hospital environment.  Some of the cards include you making a target practice with a cannula, moving in slow motion when you pass something with wheels, crafting, drawing and telling stories, learning the names of bones, finding things in your room, getting your parents, visitors (and maybe the medical team) to do some silly things and making sure that your toy or teddy gets checked out too. Most of the directions can be done from your bed and there are a few in there to make hospitals and the things in them, a little less scary and to help to get to know and have a bit of fun with the medical team too. This edition of the Getting Lost Game was made with guidance from play specialists, nurses, radiologists, parents with children who are or have been in hospital and organisations supporting children in hospital.

Office Party Edition - This helps the person who gets the task of organising the office party to utterly unplan the end of year party. The Getting Lost Office Party Edition is the work party that requires no planning at all.  Just grab your team, jump in the car/bus/limo (or the mode of transport your boss springs for), shuffle the cards and start drawing the cards to find out where you’ll end up and where you’ll stop on the way. Your distance and direction could be determined by the winner of a quick race around the car, the colour of your company logo, the tenure of your longest standing employee and the person who changed the photocopier paper last, plus a selection of other random directions we’ll throw at you. You’ll might be stopping for a team photo, buying each other outfits at a thrift shop that you have to wear the whole day, forming a conga line at a rest stop and potentially the boss will be wearing their clothes backwards. The Getting Lost Office Party edition is a great mix of team bonding. eating and drinking and lots of laughs - it makes for the perfect, office party!

Photography Edition - This gets people who want to find new and unique things to photograph to find truly random spots. It caters to all types of photographers with "just for fun" directions on one side for those shooting on their phone and "pro" directions on the other side for those shooting with cameras with manual settings. Your course may be based on the number of photos you've taken or the colour and type of those photos (for pro's  some directions are based on your shutter speed, ISO and aperture) as well as the weather and features you can find.  Once at your location, the cards will have you using different photographic techniques to practice your skills and photograph things in interesting ways. This can be played with either a camera or a smartphone. The Photography Edition can be played walking or driving.

Road Trip Edition - The Road Trip Edition has everything you need for an unforgettable road trip. Your course will be decided by dandelions, other cars, your odometer and many other unique directions. You'll stop along the way, supporting local businesses, and other random things you probably never would of thought to do, and having heaps of fun in the process. The Girls Road Trip Edition is one of the most popular games, so all ages version (and one for including the boys too) was definitely on the cards! The Road Trip Edition includes a few of your favourite misdirection's adapted from the Girls Road Trip edition plus a whole bunch of new directions and activities.  

Summer Edition - The Summer Edition was designed as an add on to the Getting Lost Game. It is all about presenting you with creativeness when you are out and about exploring in Summer.  It has been crafted with nostalgia - it has lots of the things everyone did on Summer Road Trips when we were kids. Some of these activities include: stopping for hot chips at a country pub, climbing trees, building sculptures out of driftwood, ice creams and dive bombs! This pack is mostly activity based and the perfect accompaniment to other packs.  We recommend for maximum adventure that you combine this edition with an Adventurers, Girls Road Trip or Aussie Edition as these have all the direction cards you need to get moving around and exploring while stopping to do fun things with this pack.

Walkers Edition - Tired of the same walk every day? Seize the opportunity to mix it up a bit! Carry your Walkers edition and set off on your walk. The course you can take will be defined by the birds, your shoe size, animals you pass, the weather, what other walkers are holding, letterboxes and street signs you pass as well as other crazy instructions along the course of your walk. The cards depend on components that alter each walk, which means that even if you start at the same place on your walk, you should have a varied amble each time. 

Wellbeing Edition - Ever get lost in day to day life? Feel like it's all work and no play? Take a time for you – collect this game and keep it with you and use when you need a wellbeing boost. The Getting Lost Wellbeing Edition pack has 30 cards that can be used in numerous places on the go - the train, the car, walks or at home - anywhere you are able to insert a little mindful wellbeing in to your day. Our directions are either free or extremely minimal in cost activities that you can do where ever you are to help keep you active, encourage you to take notice, connect, learn and give.   

The Business Edition:

The Getting Lost Business Edition gets small business owners who sometimes feel lost in business to try different strategic tools and techniques to unlock new thinking. Your Getting Lost Business Edition consists of two parts:1 - The game: We think running a business should be fun, but we know first hand that it's not always.  So we’ve taken the things we learned in growing our business and turned it in to a game  – the Getting Lost Business Edition. You'll find 60 challenge cards.  Half of them are "Quick Wins" - designed to be completed in under an hour.  The other half are "The Long Game".  These are the chunky, big things you can do to help your business thrive. 2 - The "notbook": We know cards alone aren't going to be enough so to support you with your long game, so we've created a "notbook" (not a typo - it's a book in the style of a notebook with interactive pages and worksheets that you can scribble over as you grow your business).  The notbook - A Guide to NOT Getting Lost in Business - is designed to be interactive and is packed full of examples of the wins, the stuff ups,  the lucky breaks and the (once we were done getting lost) strategic planning as we grew Getting Lost from a side hustle to a multi million dollar export business.  It has worksheets  with practical tools and tips that you can use as you plan your way to your own success. 

The Getting Lost Game, Business Edition - Nature 4 You


And two Christmas Getting Lost editions:

Advent Calendar Edition - The Advent Calendar Edition of the Getting Lost Game has 24 Christmas activities to do in the lead up to Christmas.  During these 24 days the game will see you giving to others, making Santa Grotto’s in your loungeroom, rewriting Christmas carols, making your lunch in Christmas shapes, learning new things, hunting for Christmassy things in your neighbourhood, and much more! The directions are all designed to be low cost and accessible without a lot of set up or effort required.

Christmas Edition - The Christmas Edition is designed to be played on or soon after Christmas Day. It was made to reflect on your Christmas Day. Your directions will be determined by the presents you received, your neighbours festive trimmings, a red car (or sleigh) and what you devoured for your Christmas lunch!


These games come in a cardboard box, but there is an option to add a cute suitcase for more protection for the cards.

suitcases to hold the getting lost game, available in 9 different colours
These adorable little suitcases are a cute way of giving your Getting Lost Games added protection.



I originally got the Road Trip Edition to see if Scott would get out of his comfort zone. Scott is a planner. He will plan everything if given the opportunity (including my herping trips that he isn’t coming on, and boy does this cause a heated discussion or two!) I’m more of a wing it and let’s see what happens sort of person. You can probably see how that frustrates each of us in different ways when I haven’t planned something and Scott needs to know the day step by step……


The whole idea of the Getting Lost games is to lose yourself in the trip. Not to plan a route and see where you end up. I thought we would be playing it once (Scott humouring me) and it would be then put in the back of the cupboard. Scott surprised the hell out of me by loving it. (OK he did try to plan the first few cards, but he soon got out of that with stink eye from me!) We have found some awesome cafes and restaurants, sights that were literally right round the corner that we never knew were there, we’ve got some great finds at op shops and Scott regularly asks if we can squeeze in a day to play. One of the best things about these games is you can literally not play it the same again, there are so many different ways your journey can pan out.  

Getting Lost Game on dashboard with a travel cup with a sloth on it full of coffee
One of our Getting Lost adventures took us to a cemetery (not a card, just following the card directions)


You also do things that you probably haven’t done in a long time as an adult, such as pulling over to the nearest field and making daisy chains, climbing trees, stopping at the next park you see and having a slide or a swing, dive bombing, and many more. Most of the activities that require you to spend money cost minimal – e.g. buying a coffee or an ice cream, and you get to unwind by doing things that you normally wouldn't do in a day and remember how much fun you had as a kid. One day when we pulled the pull over to a park and have a swing card, we laid in the grass afterwards pointing out animals in the clouds - something neither of us have time to do in our normally week, but found really relaxing and brought back a heap of childhood memories. The biggest expense to your day will be the fuel. (If you are more than a one car family, take your cheapest car to run, it will make a huge difference as you can literally drive for hours if you choose to.)

There are no hard and fast rules to this game – you don’t like a card, don’t do it, pull another from the deck. You’ve had enough, call it and start the drive home, you want more, keep driving. You can mix and match the packs also. Our go to is the Aussie Edition, Adventurer's Edition and the Road Trip Edition all mixed up into one pack, a very large coffee and a early start and late finish if we are able to "Get Lost" by ourselves (we have a puppy with separation issues).

When we walk the dogs, we use the Getting Lost Dog's Edition - it just spices up the normal route we take. Brun loves car rides so we started driving somewhere to take them on their walks.

We were extremely busy last Christmas with the deadline of the Field Guide to the Snakes of Australia, so we didn't get time to try out the Christmas editions, but are looking forward to giving them a go this year!

Another thing we love about this game is it's the two of us spending time together, without distractions, social media or work (mostly). As you are able to make it up as you go along - spend as little or as long as you like on each card, we also are able to get in a herp each time! OK, it's not a target species but we still find reptiles and amphibians along the way.

An Eastern Water Skink we found when we stopped and had a walk around while playing Getting Lost.

If you wish to purchase any of the Getting Lost games, here is the link:


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Getting Lost games in Australia on a desk with Nature 4 You coffee mug and reading glasses




Scott Eipper - 0419 328 251

Tie Eipper - 0438 335 009


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Nature 4 You YouTube, damage mitigation training, Australian flora & fauna, venom, Australian photographers, venomous snake, Scott Eipper, Tie Eipper, Tyese Eipper, Australian authors, Nature 4 You, wildlife demonstrators, reptile shows, herpetology, Frogs of Australia, Snakes of Australia, A Guide to Australian Snakes iin Captivity Elapids & Colubrids, Dangerous Creatures of Australia, Lizards of Australia, snake book, lizard book, frog book, field guide, snake catcher, snake, python, elapid, colubrid, blindsnake, turtle, goanna, skink, pygopod, legless lizard, gecko, dragon, monitor, lizard, herpetologist, snake training, reptile cards, conservation, reptile, amphibian, frog, reptile sticker, reptile breeder Queensland, reptile keeper, crocodile, reptile birthday parties, reptile book, herp book, reptile tote bags, snake show, reptile fridge magnet, frog fridge magnet, reptile signs, reptile gift tags, reptile posters, wildlife photography, photography,

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Naturre 4 You Pinterest, damage mitigation training, venom, Australian flora & fauna, Australian photographers, venomous snakes, Scott Eipper, Tyese Eipper, Tie Eipper, Australian authors, Nature 4 You, wildlife demonstrators, reptile shows, herpetology, Frogs of Australia, Snakes of Australia, A Guide to Australian Snakes in Captivity Elapids & Colubrids, Dangerous Creatures of Australia, Lizards of Australia, snake book, lizard book, frog book, skink book, goanna book, field guide, snake catcher, snake, python, elapid, colubrid, blindsnake, turtle, goanna, monitor, pygopod, legless lizard, herpetologist, snake training, reptile cards, conservation, reptile, amphibian, frogs, reptile stickers, reptile breeder Queensland, crocodile, reptile birthday party, reptile book, herp book, reptile tote bag, snake shows, reptile fridge magnet, frog fridge magnet, wildlife photography, reptile signs, reptile posters, reptile gift cards, reptile keeper, photography


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